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The emergence of elastic tokens in the crypto market

The development of technology has pushed people to create new ways to improve the financial industry. An example of this is a cryptocurrency and its Decentralized Finance, or DeFi for short. This is an emerging technology that aims to remove any third parties in financial transactions. Moreover, it is also a place wherein multiple crypto

The emergence of elastic tokens in the crypto market Read More »

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Everything you need to know about forking in crypto

Cryptocurrency is one of the most revolutionary technological advancements in the 21st century. What made this novel technology even more popular is its decentralised nature, which eliminates the presence of third parties that helped lessen fees and the time used to process transactions. What makes all this possible is the blockchain.  In essence, a blockchain

Everything you need to know about forking in crypto Read More »

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What are lost Bitcoins?

Although Bitcoins don’t have physical representation, they can still be lost just like fiat currencies. But if they are stored digitally, how is this possible? Can lost Bitcoins be recovered? Answer all these questions and more when you continue reading Cryptoshimbun’s list that entails everything you need to know about it. Check it out down

What are lost Bitcoins? Read More »

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Cryptocurrency scams and frauds online you should know

The continuous advancement of technology has motivated people to create innovative ways and adapt to the digital world. One of these is cryptocurrency, a digital currency that uses blockchain technology or a distributed ledger which makes it decentralized.  As the number of interested users increases, more and more altcoins emerge online which shows the popularity

Cryptocurrency scams and frauds online you should know Read More »

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Privacy coins: Everything you need to know about them

If there is something that traders can count on when it comes to the crypto market, it’s the fact that they are in a decentralised and anonymous environment. This lets them trade in peace without worrying about being tracked by institutions or third-party organisations.  If you are searching for something that will further define the

Privacy coins: Everything you need to know about them Read More »

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